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This template is used to mark citations to retracted works. Using

  • Smith, J. (2008). "Foobar." ''Journal of Barfoo''. '''5''':12. {{retracted}}


  • Smith, J. (2008). "Foobar." Journal of Barfoo. 5:12. (Retracted. If this is an intentional citation to a retracted paper, please replace {{Retracted}} with {{Retracted|intentional=yes}}.)

If the retracted article is intended to be cited, for example while discussing the role of the publication in a controversy, then use

  • {{retracted|intentional=yes}}

which gives

  • Smith, J. (2008). "Foobar." Journal of Barfoo. 5:12. (Retracted)

If it's not intended to be cited, the citation should be removed per WP:RS, and the content of the article updated accordingly.

If a link to the retraction is desired, you can use

  • Smith, J. (2008). "Foobar." ''Journal of Barfoo''. '''5''':12. {{retracted|pmid=21685368|intentional=yes}}

which gives

  • Smith, J. (2008). "Foobar." Journal of Barfoo. 5:12. (Retracted, see PMID 21685368)

The retraction identifier links |bibcode= (for bibcodes), |doi= (for DOIs), |pmc= (for PMCIDs), and |pmid= (for PMIDs) are supported. Failing that, {{Retracted|https://...}} is also supported for a generic web link.

The template works with citation templates too, for example

*{{cite journal |last1=Kanadia |first1=RN |last2=Cepko |first2=CL |date=1 February 2010 |title=Alternative splicing produces high levels of noncoding isoforms of bHLH transcription factors during development |journal=Genes & Development |volume=24 |issue=3 |pages=229-34 |doi=10.1101/gad.1847110 |pmid=20080942}} {{retracted|pmc=3127434|pmid=21685368|intentional=yes}}


  • Kanadia, RN; Cepko, CL (1 February 2010). "Alternative splicing produces high levels of noncoding isoforms of bHLH transcription factors during development". Genes & Development. 24 (3): 229–34. doi:10.1101/gad.1847110. PMID 20080942. (Retracted, see PMC 3127434, PMID 21685368)

Do not use this template in the fields of citation templates such as Citation Style 1 and Citation Style 2, as the HTML markup will be rendered in the metadata for that field.

Cleanup and tracking categories

Pages containing this template will be placed in the category Category:Articles citing retracted publications. Pages containing unintentionally citations will instead be placed in Category:Articles unintentionally citing retracted publications. Ideally this last category should be empty.

See also